Thursday 15 March 2018

Kane’s ankle hurts again May affect the 2018 World Cup


 March 14th, Beijing time, Kane was injured, and the three Lions Corps Kane suffered another ankle injury. According to the British daily “Daily Mirror”, Kane is likely to have a six-week truce, and possibly even longer. Severe words may It will also affect the 2018 World Cup schedule.

Following the suspension of a serious injury to Paris’s Neymar foot ankle, the three Lions’ Kane collided with the opposing goalkeeper in the English Premier League last weekend.
His right ankle severely deformed, and this was his first time in 18 months. Three ankle injuries. In July 2016, Kane had a seven-week truce with an ankle injury. "Mirror" had previously stated that Kane's injury was even more serious than that of July 2016.

Kane’s injury made Spurs and England’s national team extremely worried. His ankle was severely swollen and he could only walk with crutches. Originally, Spurs was going to have Kane check this Monday, but his ankles were so swollen that he couldn't accurately position himself. From the standpoint of the match, Kane will surely miss the Tottenham's FA Cup quarter-finals and possibly the semi-finals and 4 Premier League matches. In April, 4 league matches will directly determine whether Tottenham can compete for the fourth consecutively. The opponents include: Chelsea, Manchester City and Brighton.

And if his recovery is not ideal, it may even affect his 2018 World Cup trip. After all, he needs to take a long break, and the first match will be an extraordinary match. It is not much better than others, but at the same time it has been suspended for so long, what is the state may not keep up.

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