Monday 19 March 2018

Brazil's famous shaman opens the mouth: Neymar will not participate in the 2018 World Cup due to injury


March 19th, Beijing time Brazil's star Neymar was sadly injured in an accident to play for Saint-Germain in Paris. He still returned home to recover from injuries. According to the latest report of the British "Daily Mirror", all Brazilian fans are closely watching Neymar's injury. Surprisingly, as early as December of last year, a famous wizard in the country released a statement saying The star of Samba, who will be absent due to injury, will kick off the World Cup Russia this June!

In the 27th round of the Ligue 1 League on February 26, Paris Saint-Germain was 3-0 at the Prince Park, beating the national derby against Marseille, but Neymar was replaced in the 79th minute of the second half. . Then the Paris Saint-Germain Club publicly stated that Neymar’s injury was a fracture of the right shinbone in the fifth and that his ankle was also injured. Initially, Paris Saint-Germain coach Emery had made it clear that the club would treat Neymar’s injury carefully and would be inoperable without surgery. In the end, however, Neymar failed to escape the fate of undergoing surgery and required at least two and a half to three months recovery time.

Although Brazilian team doctors predicted that Neymar could resume training and participate in the competition before the World Cup was opened, one Brazilian wizard actually made the opposite prediction. As early as December of last year, the famous Brazilian witcher Vidalt had publicly stated that Neymar would be absent from the Russian World Cup due to injury. At the time, he said: "The next year's World Cup, Neymar is definitely not a kick, he will be injured. Absent 5 to 7 months. However, the Brazilian national team is still able to win the third place or fourth place in this World Cup in Russia."

According to the report of the Daily Mirror reporter Simon Mullock, Vidalt has many followers in Brazil, and now they are worried that this famous wizard will be “a success”. The reason why so many people trust Vedante is that during the 2014 World Cup, Vidal once predicted that the Brazilian national team will lose to the German team in the semi-finals, and the Spartan army eventually took 1-7. The disparity score was brutally abused by the German tank.

Listening to how to feel cautiously cautious, what exactly was the Brazilian team doctor saying, or was this wizard once again saying something? Everyone may wish to wait and see.

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